Northern Research Partnership (NRP) Professor of Computational Vision and Head of Department, Computing, School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee
Adjunct professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Executive member (Cross-School Liaison), Academic Health Science Partnership (AHSP), NHS Tayside and University of Dundee.
Fellowships: Royal Society for the Advancement of Commerce, Manufacturing and Arts (FRSA), Intern Association for Pattern Recognition (FIAPR).
First degree and PhD from Department of Information, Communications and Systems Science, Università di Genova (1984, 1990).
Employment history
1984-6 Contract researcher, EURATOM Joint Research Centre (JRC) Ispra, Commission of the European Communities, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
1988-1990 Visiting Researcher, Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh.
1991-4 RA at Department of AI, Univ of Edinburgh, and at Heriot Watt University.
1994-2007 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Heriot Watt University (Computer science; electrical and electronic engineering).
Since 2007 NRP Chair of Computational Vision, School of Computing, University of Dundee.
2015-2016 Discipline (Dept) Head, Computing, School of Science and Engineering, Univ of Dundee.
Invited lecturer since 1992 at many UK and international institutions and events, including PhD schools (UK, Europe, South America) and computer vision courses (Europe, Malaysia, Singapore, Colombia).
Travel and personal awards from several institutions, including the Royal Society, ECCAI, the British Council, AISB, British Telecom, INRIA and A-STAR Singapore.
Paper awards
Best paper at IAPR Int Conference on Image Analysis (108 papers accepted), 1995; Best poster at DTI Tech Transfer and Innovation conference, Edinburgh, for KTP project on retinal image analysis, 2004; Best conference paper at IET Int Conf on Visual Information Engineering, 2007; Best paper at BMVC 2010 Workshop of UK Computer Vision PhD students. Best poster and work closest to translation awards at SINAPSE annual scientific meeting, Edinburgh, summer 2014.
Selected research grants
[ SI = sole investigator; CI = co-inv; PI = principal inv ]
EU MAS3-CT97-0083 ARAMIS: Advanced ROV Package for Automatic Mobile Investigation of Sediments. EU MAST III, 380,000 pounds, 1997-2000. CI.
EU IST-1999-10044 VIRTUE: Virtual Team User Environment. 262,959 pounds, 2000-3. SI.
DTI KTP Knowledge Transfer Partnership with OPTOS plc. Retinal image processing, 2003-4, 100,184 pounds. PI.
EPSRC GR/568088/01 ATRIUM: Automatic Threat Recognition and Identification Using Millimetre waves. ThinkCrime initiative, first call. 219,357 pounds, 2004-6. CI.
EPSRC GR/T11890/01 Scalable video coding representations for view synthesis. Resp mode. With EE Bristol (Canagarajah, Bull). 150,002 pounds, 2004-7. SI.
DTI KTP Knowledge Transfer Partnership with OPTOS plc. Summarisation and analysis of retinal angiographic sequences. 137,698 pounds, 2005-7. PI.
EPSRC EP/C535200/1 Application of computer vision and photogrammetric techniques to the measurement of work in progress on construction sites. With HWU School of the Built Environment, and Centre for Innovation in Construction of Salford University. 139,694 pounds, 2006-2008. SI.
EPSRC EP/D080053/1 Video-based animation of people. With CVSSP Univ of Surrey (Hilton). Resp mode. 325,511 pounds FEC, 2007-2009. SI.
EPSRC EP/H052046/1 Determination of corneal biomechanical properties in vivo. Healthcare Partnerships programme. With UCL Ophthalmology, Ultravision CLPL, international Glaucoma Association, Ninewells Ophthalmology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. 473,230 pounds FEC, 2010-2013.
EPSRC DTA studentship plus contribution from OPTOS plc (28,955 pounds). October 2010 – April 2014. 61,756 pounds.
European Research Council, CODIR: robotic hydro-colonoscopy. 3M euros. CI (PI in Dundee: Sir Alfred Cuschieri).
EU Marie Curie ITN (Initial Training Network) REVAMMAD: Retinal Vascular Modelling, Analysis and Diagnosis. £265,000 to Dundee (total proj value 3.8M euros), 2013-2016.
OPTOS PhD studentship, joint project with Edinburgh CRIC, OPTOS plc and Clinical Radiology Dundee; CARMEN: discovery or retinal biomarkers for cardiovascular diseases (attached to Scotheart and Tascforce clinical studies). £39,000, 2012-2014.
Medical Research Scotland – Toshiba. £84,000 from MRS plus £2,500 per annum from Toshiba. Collab with Prof Graeme Houston, Clinical Radiology, Ninewells NSH and UoD teaching hospital. 2012-2016. PI.
EPSRC EP/M005976/1 Multi-modal retinal biomarkers for vascular dementia: developing enabling image analysis tools. Joint project with Edinburgh University (CRIC, Centre for Cognitive Epidemiology, Neuroscience) and the Alzheimer Society. Applied for: £1,156,282 (FEC £925,026). 2014-2017. PI and co-ordinator.
NIHR Dundee-Chennai Global Health Program grant, precision medicine diabetes unit. Joint with Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialist Clinicis, Madras Diabetes Research Centre. £7M, 2017-2022. CI and Workpackage leader (retinome).
Selected invited seminars
McGill Univ, Centre for Machine Perception; CS Curtin University, Australia; Microsoft Research Cambridge; Siemens Research Princeton, US; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US; A-STAR and National Pattern Recogn Association Singapore; plus many UK universities, including Manchester, Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Queen Mary UL, Bristol, Cardiff, and many European ones.
Event and conference organizer
including scientific (e.g. British Machine Vision Conference 1996, 2006, 2011 as Program Chair or General Co-Chair); 2015,6,7 MICCAI Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis intern workshop, Co-Chair; European Conference on Computer Vision 2020, General Co-Chair; MICCAI 2018, Area Chair; Royal Society Science+ meeting, general Chair, April 2018.
Invited plenary speaker at conferences (selection)
EURASIP Intelligent Signal Processing, Udine, Italy. 2nd workshop on Machine Perception, Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. British Machine Vision Conference annual tutorial, Cardiff (2002). 4th ISSNIP Biosignals and Biorobotics, Rio de Janeiro (2012). CMBE, Paris (2015). First International Conf on Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Glaucoma, Milan (2015). Various MICCAI workshops (2015, 2016 and 2017).
Editorship of international journals
2002-5, Editor-in-Chief (with J Thompson, Edinburgh Univ) for IEE Proceedings on Vision, Image and Signal Processing. 2005-7, Associate Editor, Pattern Analysis and Applications (Springer). 2007-2013 Associate Editor for IEEE Trans on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
Guest editorships for Image and Vision Computing Journal (1996), Int Journ of Real-Time Imaging, (1999), Pattern Recognition ( 2001), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (2003), Computer Graphics and Models (2006).
~250 refereed conference and journal papers, of which 75 journal papers, 12 book chapters, 6 edited books, co-authored 2 books, one of which has become an international standard since 1998 (Google Scholar: 3017 citations, February 2018).
h-index 36 (Google Scholar February 2018).